Yo dude. Three days to be exact till the end of my internship!
Still hate my XXX though, last wk supposed to enjoy somore give me more work. She's gonna miss me coz no one goin her dirty old work. I still got loads more to do tmr. Shall do it like a tortoise.
Anywayz, I'm here to rant...Yea i know AGAIN...shall call this a rant/complaint/whatever blog
So this is the story. Saw Raymond's MSN that says temasek website is up. So being the curious me, checked it out. Went through the committee link, looked at tech crew, then rag, then DND
Found out that the theme this yr is Heroes. Checked out when was the bash(Although I'm not a bash goer). It was on the first wednesday of school. Hm in zouk somore. Then i read on..."Tickets are available $12 for girls and $16 for guys" Well obviously coz Wednesday's ladies night.
So then something came into me...I was so FREAKING PISSEd(AS USUAL :P)
WHY, u asked?
Well coz the orientation pack since yr one includes a bash ticket. Not to say like i LURVVVVVVVE bashes or what BUT HECK I PAY FOR IT DUDE. So, the OC member even have the guts to tell me "OC welcome pack price also din increase what"
My business instincts tell me that, distribution of bash tickets by first wk is technically impossible. Moreover they even put the price on it, so i guess that it's not included? I may be wrong. And if so, i shall recall this post then.
BUt until then, I am not satisfied. What if the $70 does not even include a bash ticket, worth around $14?I guess DND wouldnt be so $%^&@ not to make it compulsory by collecting the bash funds. Or probably they want us to pay more!!!
So what is inside the $70 welcome pack. Piece of crap( Although i must say this yrs goodies are good)
But what the heck..THE GOODIES ARE STILL FREEBIES sponsored by companies. I dun expect them to be charging for teeny weeny samples rite???
Content inside the goodie pack: Biscuits, Cosmetics...
The ex stuff are the orientation T(I dun mind that, it changes every yr), POLO T(3rd one and counting. I'm so not goin to receive my fourth one), URGH LOUSy TOWEL THAT DOESNT even absobr water...
And heck i havent even started complaining about the hall meals. $40/ week for ALl MEALS EXCEPT SAT BREAKFAST AND LUNCH...WTF?????
Lets do the math. I'm charged $21/wk for six bkfasts and dinners. Which is also ex by stds.Coz i dun nid to spend $1.1 for bkfast nor $2.4 for dinner.
So there are six bkfast, six lunches and seven dinners in total
So the six bkfast&six dinners=$21...CORRECTY?
One dinner is equivalent to $2.4
So take the balance which is $16.6 and divide it by 6 (Coz six lunches ma)=$2.76
WHAT $2.76 for a piece shit of lunch..WHICH IS EXPENSIVE THAN DINNER???
Whatever it is, I dun get the theory and the logic.
Is it fair, for the seniors to pay $200 for two wks of orientation, where its not obligatory for them to show up. But it's compulsory to pay?I know convenience for Hall office n all. But shudn't the Hall Office, and so some holiday comm involved in this thingy, think of the seniors' welfare?
HOw many ppl can afford this? A hall is still a place for ppl to stay. Not to wallop ppls money and all. AND AFTER THREE YEARS, (Erhem shud be two yrs) NOthing has been done to stop this. I'm sure MANY PPL have already made their point, complained like shit. BUT TO NO AVAIL!!!!IS THIS HOW THE HALL OFFICE AND WHOEVER can earn their money out...to cover losses or whatever in their comms or bla???
I'm sure the caterer only get their $$$ based on the number of coupons they have received. And what about those who din check in? Where does the money go???
Sensitive issues like $$$$ irritates me. Dun blame me, I'm a practical person, and money means everything to me. Sounds like a true BUsiness Student INDEED....
HOpe someone can enlighten me out of this.
I'm so not gonna stay in hall nxt yr...and i bet no one cares HAHAHA...
Monday, July 30, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Day 59@Work
Sighz.Work was terrible today. Had non-stop work till 4.30pm, where I can finally read like A FEW PAGES of Harry potter...Dang slow lor...
I was quite sad
1)Someone told me my written English is bad for a typical NUS Business Student. Lousy std...Sighz..but i think it was the sake of my good..(Grrr...took so long to think of this sentence, which explains my LOUSy english)
Ok i'm still thinking whether my last sentence is correct
Anywayz, Haihz...i can nvr score when it comes to essay questions, which shuns me away from Taking essay based cross fac modules..to avoid these at all cost. Scared might get a BIG FAT C or D...nvr want that to happen anymore...FIRST yr academic memories BEGONE. So i guess, i nid to read more harry potter..even i nid to read it over and over again(just that sentence) to understand what it reall means...SIGHZ...WE WILl SEE...i will work hard on that and improve
2)My frens make me wait HALF AND HOUR FOR THE DINNER!!!!....But it was damn fun lar...more on that when the pictures are ready...Im WAITING XXX HEEEEE
Happie thing (But abit sad) is I got my SEP results
I got my fourth choice(AGAIn!!!!Last sem too) which is Koblenz otto Beisheim School Of managment Germany. Unlike my fourth choice last sem, which was otago University.
Come to think of it, I donno whether abandoning my choice last sem kill me or benefit me. We shall see when i end my sep experience...Hopefully
Think i'm gonna accept it. I am "quite...abit" disappointed...probbaly coz i din even get my first three choices
Uni Melbourne...sighz..fat hopes of getting into that one..coz there were only like two places and i had to fight with the whole of NUS...grrrr...so there goes my melbourne chance
Uni of otago...apparently not offered according to my coordinator..but i still applied..looks like it's not offered then...since i din get it
I TOT i was goin to get UNC...since it had FIVE places..and was only open to business Students..But goin to US is not easy..and the chances of being selected are slim..especially when it comes to UNC, Kenan Flagler Business School...(Reputable one lei)HAIHZ
So Here(Insert fourth choice)
Followed by fifth choice Manchester Business School
My colleague said Manchester GOod wor..well I nvr fail to choose the best schools in the world:P:P
But looks like they want me to go Germany..or maybe they just dump me there..i realli hope got khaki with me lor
And i always trust what God gives me...He knows best as to where i shud go. I shud say its a blessing in disguise.
1)Uni of Melbourne is a good plc.Near and all..butttttt...i think all my first three i din get..it all comes down to money. Melbourne is freakkkkking expensive, I cant imagine even just an apartment costs u about 180-200 PER WEEK...so u go figure the monthly rent..and it doesnt include meals..WHICh ARE QUITE Expensive in melbourne...then u Know la..what it adds to..heeeee
2)Otago was really around my budget(Oops sorrie for the mistake in number one) but it was definitely out..Din know why it was listed under the university choices though
3)UNC was also another expensive place. The air ticket, needless to say is exxxx...to and fro..but it was a good choice..and i thought i cud actually go to new york..catch a broadway show..and if possible, meet Hugh Panaro:P
If i compare it to Melbourne, I'd rather go to UNC. but my mum asked me to pick the nearest place first, so....:)
UNC's accomodation is about 2400 per sem..considered cheap compared to Melbourne(DUH)..but the exchange rate for US is slightly higher than australia, so with air tickets..and food..yep i will have to spend around the same as Melbourne. Which makes it abit uncomfy for me
4)the blessing in disguise. This school only has one faculty business...Not really sure about the school..(simply chose it and read through their biography) I always choose schools with"reputation"..and I think accomodation is my main criteria..Coz accomodation makes the bulk of where my money goes..together with food...So monthly rent here is 230 euros..and when u compare to Melbourne and north Carolina...freaking cheap rite..which means..i can even think of travelling around europe..Bad thing is..i nid to start "loving" europe..coz i was more keen in Australia and US...which is something i can "relate" too...unlike Germany, where their first language is not the language i speak
5) Manchester Business School(Bleugh) Out of my topic
On the brighter side. i can travel. I've studied basic German(Mum asked me to brush up my Deutsch)
So yup, i guess it will be a anew beginning..start learning to love Europe...Ich liebe Europa...blablabla
Yups till then wish me all the best
PS:This post was written unintentionally long to improve my English. hope it helps YOu and ME:)
I was quite sad
1)Someone told me my written English is bad for a typical NUS Business Student. Lousy std...Sighz..but i think it was the sake of my good..(Grrr...took so long to think of this sentence, which explains my LOUSy english)
Ok i'm still thinking whether my last sentence is correct
Anywayz, Haihz...i can nvr score when it comes to essay questions, which shuns me away from Taking essay based cross fac modules..to avoid these at all cost. Scared might get a BIG FAT C or D...nvr want that to happen anymore...FIRST yr academic memories BEGONE. So i guess, i nid to read more harry potter..even i nid to read it over and over again(just that sentence) to understand what it reall means...SIGHZ...WE WILl SEE...i will work hard on that and improve
2)My frens make me wait HALF AND HOUR FOR THE DINNER!!!!....But it was damn fun lar...more on that when the pictures are ready...Im WAITING XXX HEEEEE
Happie thing (But abit sad) is I got my SEP results
I got my fourth choice(AGAIn!!!!Last sem too) which is Koblenz otto Beisheim School Of managment Germany. Unlike my fourth choice last sem, which was otago University.
Come to think of it, I donno whether abandoning my choice last sem kill me or benefit me. We shall see when i end my sep experience...Hopefully
Think i'm gonna accept it. I am "quite...abit" disappointed...probbaly coz i din even get my first three choices
Uni Melbourne...sighz..fat hopes of getting into that one..coz there were only like two places and i had to fight with the whole of NUS...grrrr...so there goes my melbourne chance
Uni of otago...apparently not offered according to my coordinator..but i still applied..looks like it's not offered then...since i din get it
I TOT i was goin to get UNC...since it had FIVE places..and was only open to business Students..But goin to US is not easy..and the chances of being selected are slim..especially when it comes to UNC, Kenan Flagler Business School...(Reputable one lei)HAIHZ
So Here(Insert fourth choice)
Followed by fifth choice Manchester Business School
My colleague said Manchester GOod wor..well I nvr fail to choose the best schools in the world:P:P
But looks like they want me to go Germany..or maybe they just dump me there..i realli hope got khaki with me lor
And i always trust what God gives me...He knows best as to where i shud go. I shud say its a blessing in disguise.
1)Uni of Melbourne is a good plc.Near and all..butttttt...i think all my first three i din get..it all comes down to money. Melbourne is freakkkkking expensive, I cant imagine even just an apartment costs u about 180-200 PER WEEK...so u go figure the monthly rent..and it doesnt include meals..WHICh ARE QUITE Expensive in melbourne...then u Know la..what it adds to..heeeee
2)Otago was really around my budget(Oops sorrie for the mistake in number one) but it was definitely out..Din know why it was listed under the university choices though
3)UNC was also another expensive place. The air ticket, needless to say is exxxx...to and fro..but it was a good choice..and i thought i cud actually go to new york..catch a broadway show..and if possible, meet Hugh Panaro:P
If i compare it to Melbourne, I'd rather go to UNC. but my mum asked me to pick the nearest place first, so....:)
UNC's accomodation is about 2400 per sem..considered cheap compared to Melbourne(DUH)..but the exchange rate for US is slightly higher than australia, so with air tickets..and food..yep i will have to spend around the same as Melbourne. Which makes it abit uncomfy for me
4)the blessing in disguise. This school only has one faculty business...Not really sure about the school..(simply chose it and read through their biography) I always choose schools with"reputation"..and I think accomodation is my main criteria..Coz accomodation makes the bulk of where my money goes..together with food...So monthly rent here is 230 euros..and when u compare to Melbourne and north Carolina...freaking cheap rite..which means..i can even think of travelling around europe..Bad thing is..i nid to start "loving" europe..coz i was more keen in Australia and US...which is something i can "relate" too...unlike Germany, where their first language is not the language i speak
5) Manchester Business School(Bleugh) Out of my topic
On the brighter side. i can travel. I've studied basic German(Mum asked me to brush up my Deutsch)
So yup, i guess it will be a anew beginning..start learning to love Europe...Ich liebe Europa...blablabla
Yups till then wish me all the best
PS:This post was written unintentionally long to improve my English. hope it helps YOu and ME:)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Genting trip for sale
I know it's lame.But I'm putting up two rooms in First World Hotel (Deluxe Rooms) for two nights 3rd Aug and 4th Aug(Fri and Sat), FOR SALE!!!
It's selling at an incredible price. The prices are wayyyy lower than their stated peak rates. Somore its the wkend.
So whoever is interested to go up on the hill. Do let me know
Ask me for more details. Price is negotiable. If i'm nice i might even offer you vouchers...
PS:Most probably can't go due to unforeseen circumstances. So any good Samaritan do help out. GEnting is FUNFUNFUN
Log on to www.genting.com.my for more details. Bet u cant get the price im quoting :P
It's selling at an incredible price. The prices are wayyyy lower than their stated peak rates. Somore its the wkend.
So whoever is interested to go up on the hill. Do let me know
Ask me for more details. Price is negotiable. If i'm nice i might even offer you vouchers...
PS:Most probably can't go due to unforeseen circumstances. So any good Samaritan do help out. GEnting is FUNFUNFUN
Log on to www.genting.com.my for more details. Bet u cant get the price im quoting :P
Monday, July 23, 2007
anyone who makes me angry in the morning deserves a big smack on the head.
Its true that someone might get angry irrationally without thinking and all that. BUT I SERIOUSLY THINK IM NOT IRRATIONALLY ANGRY
Imagine someone who leaves u when promised to meet, and din even bother to apologise.Worse thing is that person doesnt even appreciate the stuff u give, and NVR EVEN SAY THANK YOu....Oh God
If u wanna push my buttons..PUSH it the RIGHT AWAY...so damn pissed now...
Friday, July 13, 2007
Friday the 13th-BAD DAY
I think the title pretty much says it all. Loooong story. But am not gonna disclose. It will be etched in my heart...for at least at yr?
Think what Sze said is right.I nid to toughen up. if i'm gonna be a woochibaby when i'm still working then it will be bad. probably tts y i dun like being under the control of ppl. I like doing things myself. I feel quite at ease when My XXX is nt ard most of this wk. So at ease, but stress, but feeels not bad. When i did HR last sem, i did this survey thingy. And it came out that my emotional stability is 2.5/5, which is very true for my case. I'm so emotionally unstable, when will I ever overcome this?Seems like it will never happen.COI!!!Haha will la. Well, I shall reflect this during th wkend.
On a happier note, I'm going East Coast tmr for some time with friends, enjoying life. Life is short..REALLY...
Bad things just need to go away frm me. I don't want them near me
So about the east coast thingy, hm about more than 5 ppl..having fun cycling, probably picnic or bbq if that is gonna work..chatting away in lalaland..
I feel that I start to spend more, which is good in a way that i enjoy myself with my salary. bad is..spend too much
Haiz..feel so ...dead..
well good days are coming ahead...JOo Chiat here i come!!!
Goodbye perverts, idiots and what not!!!!Grrrrrrr
Think what Sze said is right.I nid to toughen up. if i'm gonna be a woochibaby when i'm still working then it will be bad. probably tts y i dun like being under the control of ppl. I like doing things myself. I feel quite at ease when My XXX is nt ard most of this wk. So at ease, but stress, but feeels not bad. When i did HR last sem, i did this survey thingy. And it came out that my emotional stability is 2.5/5, which is very true for my case. I'm so emotionally unstable, when will I ever overcome this?Seems like it will never happen.COI!!!Haha will la. Well, I shall reflect this during th wkend.
On a happier note, I'm going East Coast tmr for some time with friends, enjoying life. Life is short..REALLY...
Bad things just need to go away frm me. I don't want them near me
So about the east coast thingy, hm about more than 5 ppl..having fun cycling, probably picnic or bbq if that is gonna work..chatting away in lalaland..
I feel that I start to spend more, which is good in a way that i enjoy myself with my salary. bad is..spend too much
Haiz..feel so ...dead..
well good days are coming ahead...JOo Chiat here i come!!!
Goodbye perverts, idiots and what not!!!!Grrrrrrr
Monday, July 9, 2007
Short Update
Today's current craving: DURIAN PUFF and MORe DIMSUM (Uhuh, NOt Yampau la..that day i ate the ou ni till i wanna pook hee)
Weird thing is...I can be soo random that I love opera one day..and Today my favourite is Michael Buble today.So i'm gonna listen to everysong frm his new album Call me irresponsible..yesh..Uhuh..no videos for u folks. Go look for urself.Hmph!
I don wanna any chatterbox near me tho im one the chatterbox..hee
Today's current craving: DURIAN PUFF and MORe DIMSUM (Uhuh, NOt Yampau la..that day i ate the ou ni till i wanna pook hee)
Weird thing is...I can be soo random that I love opera one day..and Today my favourite is Michael Buble today.So i'm gonna listen to everysong frm his new album Call me irresponsible..yesh..Uhuh..no videos for u folks. Go look for urself.Hmph!
I don wanna any chatterbox near me tho im one the chatterbox..hee
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Raffles Place with friends
Argh...I'm whining now coz I didn't put my camera phone to good use eh. Sometimes i just forgot that I DOOO have a camera phone. Or maybe i'm just not a photo person/person who doesn't like to take fotos...
Well, we were supposed to meet at 5pm at Raffles Place MRT. So i left at 3.45pm frm Hall. I know I know.It's so stupid that I left so freaking early lor. Coz if i leave half an hour later, It might be too late, plus i wanted to catch the NUH Free shuttle.
So went to NUH. GUess what?STupid BUS doesn't operate on Sundays...DAMN..have to walk back to the same bus stop. Good exercise tho lol. Then wait forever and ever for 95 to come.Reached RAFFLES MRT sooner than i tot 4.49pm.
Passed by Mr Bean http://mrbean.com.sg/product.asp
Slurp, (btw i dun fancy Soya Beans, but....) So i went to check it out. Slurp, I bought a Soya Bean ice -cream. Taste exactly like soya bean, love the cone too. I must start loving soya bean now, coz i wanna have good complexion.Siao!
So I walked one big round and got lost around Raffles Place. the place is so freaking quiet during the weekend, and it is very busy wkdays la coz ppl work der ma.Finally saw teahouse@China Square. saw Erik. was so happy:)
Teahouse wasn't open for dinner till 6pm so...we went to Village Wok to eat PoPiah..6 pieces for 18++ lo..EX!!!
BUT!!!! It was super nice lo.Haiz, I wished i took the DAMN pictures. K imagine it visually urself, got prawns, eggs, chinese sausage, dried stuff(sesame, blablabla)
OOh i love the chilli and garlic, the garlic especially(so garlicky and hot, mmmm)
Then there's the black sauce, the POPIAH skin was so aweeeesomeeee....and the turnips not to forget..was nicely done and not to overly tasty. And YESH!!THe popiah skin din tear this time..coz i think that kind dun tear easily. As usual our special guest Erik gets to eat the last one (Bwahaha, Im waiting when I'm on exchange, then i can be treated like royalty too!)
Slurp, so nxt round-went to Teahouse Lo. Slurp the DimSum is like aweeesome can?
Too bad we din go for the buffet coz the price is abit steep $28. Hi Tea shud be better at less than 20 dollars. we ordered the usual:HarGao, Siew Mai, Char Siew Sou, Prawn Mango thingy, and Turnip Cake(which was a pathetic one piece), Oh then the nxt round we ordered less: Char Siew pau and Beancurd Skin Rolls with Prawn(wow so yummy). I sinned:Coz i ate lots of prawn and yam. Dessert wus: Ou Ni( Yam Paste thingy with pumpkin thingy with Gingko Nuts(my fav Gingko) and Creamy Peanut Paste with Tang Yuan. Quite a decent meal for five of us. The price:$8.40 per person. BUT STILL: I dun mind paying $28 for it. But some ppl would not pay for that price, and that i CAN UNDERSTAND. Haha, coz when u pay that much, u can have a more satisfying meal i guess. Blurgh, took photos and head home.
Talked alot to Erik and the rest(Hui En, Steph and Kok Soon) about life at UNC, US and in general. Haha, it's quite fun and knowing that all of us can still manage to talk and talk and talk. It's good. Coz the problem with me is, when i dun see that person for a long time, I will have two worries: I will have damn alooot of things to tell them, or I donno what to talk to them. This will depend on how close you are to that person, and whether u can open up and talk this kind of stuff with them, and how sociable they are.
Well if u wanna head for good DimSum go to :Teahouse @China Square...i ... MUST...bring my Mommy there...provided she eats more
Well, we were supposed to meet at 5pm at Raffles Place MRT. So i left at 3.45pm frm Hall. I know I know.It's so stupid that I left so freaking early lor. Coz if i leave half an hour later, It might be too late, plus i wanted to catch the NUH Free shuttle.
So went to NUH. GUess what?STupid BUS doesn't operate on Sundays...DAMN..have to walk back to the same bus stop. Good exercise tho lol. Then wait forever and ever for 95 to come.Reached RAFFLES MRT sooner than i tot 4.49pm.
Passed by Mr Bean http://mrbean.com.sg/product.asp
Slurp, (btw i dun fancy Soya Beans, but....) So i went to check it out. Slurp, I bought a Soya Bean ice -cream. Taste exactly like soya bean, love the cone too. I must start loving soya bean now, coz i wanna have good complexion.Siao!
So I walked one big round and got lost around Raffles Place. the place is so freaking quiet during the weekend, and it is very busy wkdays la coz ppl work der ma.Finally saw teahouse@China Square. saw Erik. was so happy:)
Teahouse wasn't open for dinner till 6pm so...we went to Village Wok to eat PoPiah..6 pieces for 18++ lo..EX!!!
BUT!!!! It was super nice lo.Haiz, I wished i took the DAMN pictures. K imagine it visually urself, got prawns, eggs, chinese sausage, dried stuff(sesame, blablabla)
OOh i love the chilli and garlic, the garlic especially(so garlicky and hot, mmmm)
Then there's the black sauce, the POPIAH skin was so aweeeesomeeee....and the turnips not to forget..was nicely done and not to overly tasty. And YESH!!THe popiah skin din tear this time..coz i think that kind dun tear easily. As usual our special guest Erik gets to eat the last one (Bwahaha, Im waiting when I'm on exchange, then i can be treated like royalty too!)
Slurp, so nxt round-went to Teahouse Lo. Slurp the DimSum is like aweeesome can?
Too bad we din go for the buffet coz the price is abit steep $28. Hi Tea shud be better at less than 20 dollars. we ordered the usual:HarGao, Siew Mai, Char Siew Sou, Prawn Mango thingy, and Turnip Cake(which was a pathetic one piece), Oh then the nxt round we ordered less: Char Siew pau and Beancurd Skin Rolls with Prawn(wow so yummy). I sinned:Coz i ate lots of prawn and yam. Dessert wus: Ou Ni( Yam Paste thingy with pumpkin thingy with Gingko Nuts(my fav Gingko) and Creamy Peanut Paste with Tang Yuan. Quite a decent meal for five of us. The price:$8.40 per person. BUT STILL: I dun mind paying $28 for it. But some ppl would not pay for that price, and that i CAN UNDERSTAND. Haha, coz when u pay that much, u can have a more satisfying meal i guess. Blurgh, took photos and head home.
Talked alot to Erik and the rest(Hui En, Steph and Kok Soon) about life at UNC, US and in general. Haha, it's quite fun and knowing that all of us can still manage to talk and talk and talk. It's good. Coz the problem with me is, when i dun see that person for a long time, I will have two worries: I will have damn alooot of things to tell them, or I donno what to talk to them. This will depend on how close you are to that person, and whether u can open up and talk this kind of stuff with them, and how sociable they are.
Well if u wanna head for good DimSum go to :Teahouse @China Square...i ... MUST...bring my Mommy there...provided she eats more
Kristin Chenoweth-Glitter and Be Gay
Music speaks louder than words.
This is from operetta Candide by Leonard Bernstein. THere are other notable opera singers who did this: Sumi Jo, june Andersen, and Natalie Dessay. But this is the first for an American Broadway Singer who is a coloratura soprano too. Her voice is light but very interesting, maybe not as dramatic as the other singers interpretation wise. Mind you, this song is super difficult. If u listen to the hahahaha part, very fast and all the sliding notes in scales.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Video!!!Good stuff
Home by RJ Rosales
She by RJ Rosales(Solely dedicated to SHE Ai Ling:P )
Ah Miss and Johanna-Hugh Panaro
Phantom of the Opera-Hugh and Susan Owen
Music Of The Night-Hugh Panaro(VERYYYY GOOD)
Point of No Return-Hugh Panaro(This is damn HAWT..visually:P)
Final Lair-Hugh Panaro
tts all. Please enjoy the sizzling performances. Hm..I have a new interest now, FEMALE the first in my 20 yrs.Kristin Chenoweth. NOt so gaga over her yet. Glitter and be Gay...
Friday, July 6, 2007
Idol Part II

Grr i suck at embedding youtube videos on my blog. I donno how to do and i Just dun bother to learn. Oh mymy. Pardon me for being such a long and winding story teller. I guess yam pau would be interested since I'm talking about ah peks here. But they are hot lei mind you, as hot as char siew pau k:P
Hugh Panaro:Ohz, this is the guy i adore so much.My recent idol. His voice just give me the chills man. RJ has been my idol for five years. And somehow this new one is so amazing that i can find nothing wrong with his voice.his path was abit similar to mine but the later part was different. His mother was a piano teacher(like me), so he started on piano very young (organ too!). Developed a penchant for singing. Has a BA in Voice frm Temple university. So yep, that sums it all. It's just i took(and still taking) a BBA and RJ ad BS in Maths. So this guy is a well trained super duper singer, which explains why his voice is sooooo flawless. Hahaz.
How it began: Phantom of the OPera like duh!No, he did not come to Singapore for that. Apparently it was Brad Little who starred as the Phantom. Unfortunately, he didn't give much of a goosebump like Hugh( But I still love u n ur voice, Brad)So that was when I went to do my "research" right after phantom, about the show, the cast, who were the singers. Using youtube and the www as my powerful tool, I stumbled across Hugh's Phantom scene. PS:I have this BADBAD syndrome after a musical, that I will go agaga over it, keep looking for the songs, learning them by hard and LOVELOVELOVE them even more. So once i heard, WOW this guy's voice is cool. So as usuall google the feller's name to c how good he was, profile and all. Haha the picture showed up on Google Images. WOW HOT, since then he was my all time favourite phantom thought I din get to c him in action.
So u Know la, my modus operandi is the VOICE first, THEn if that person LOOKs damn GOod..Voila, he becomes my idol eventually LOL
Well if you're gonna youtube him Hugh Panaro. You're to find manymanymany songs on him. Yumz. Unlike RJ only got four, sobz. Lemme recommend u the best ones.
Woh u better listen to Make our Garden Grow on the myspace player. ITS DA BOMB. MY Favourite of all his songs. Even including the phantom..WAHSEH..this is frm Candide the operetta. So it might sound abit operatic but not the heavy ones. But by far his operatic side..VEry Good..then you can compare when he sing other songs.
This is from Sweeney Todd. Some broadway stuff la in US. PLS LOOK at how much energy he use Sing ah..look at the veins on his neck..ewww. i hate his hair and style there. But the voice is SUPER DUPER GOOD..wah..two songs..two contrasting mood. Ah Miss dies down to Johanna. Pls listen the whole thing. Very GOOD!!!
Trivia:Hugh was in Lestat, Elton John's broadway musical about vampires. But it closed after one month.WTF!He was really disappointed. and i Hope he does come back and star in POTO. If he does i confirm go watch one. hugh said acting as a phantom is FUn BUT VERy TEDIOUS..the make up and all
Ohz he touring Barbra Streisand now all over Europe. So break a leg, Hugh. He's one of the brodway Boys singing with her. Cooooolio
Haha Hugh is hideous here in the Final Scene of POTO. BUt he sings it with full of emotion. Very different from the movie(Movie version sucks). When he explains about his poisoned face blablabla, i love the way he expresse it, with Singing. the last part with the music box, he sounds all childish, singing to him self. Yummy. If u wanna watch the whole thing letme know la HAha.
Woh dude this is a must..Slurp..Anywayz Susan sucked.Hugh rocked.That's it.Oh dear i had goosebumps after listening to it..ALOT
i send the links to my friends and all were positive. So those who say he sucked.Go dig up ur ears reall clean!!!!
Till then tata booboo
OHz pictures:My favourite headshot there. Got more hot pictures but go google urself.
Idols are for me to look at

RJ Rosales: I got hooked to him after Chang& Eng in 2002. The musical originated in S'Pore and it went on tours to China, Bangkok and (phew!) Malaysia. The show ran for one wk in Msia, and guess what? I got last minute free tickets(Courtesy of National Choir Msia) and it was the LAST SHOW to watch Chang and Eng lo. And i remembered that time, my granny just pass away like few days before the show, so myy mum was too depressed to come(and she missed it haiz). It was like something gifted sent frm my granny from heaven:A new idol to worship
He played Chang. So I was naturally attracted by his bright, tenorly voice...(Slurp! But of course i couldnt get any closer and c how'd he look like coz its too far). I remembered at the end of the show during the curtain call, I cried coz i was so moved, considering the play was just simple, came from Singapore. Anywayz, din get his autograph after that coz i had skool the nxt day
So the following day, Monday, I went for choir rehearsals at the same place. This time the sneaky me, went to this room, unlocked, and i saw many post show pictures (I SHOULD HAVE STOLEN some of his pics HAHA), and of course the programme booklet inside there. Yes i stole the booklet (Coz it wus on sale prior to that at RM25). So basically I saved RM25 and I committed a crime(Oops, guess I'm going to jail soon). And toodlelah, so happy read his biography BS in Maths..wow i love math too..siao me
So later i was desperate, so i went and get the album at RM80 nia(till now i donno where the heck it is sobz). I had to go all the way to One Utama to get it lo, coz i wanted it desperately and the show's over.Luckily they still have the CDs for another month
2003:That was when i got my internet, then only i got to know much more bout him. Google la (That time no youtube). Since Chang and Eng originated in Singapore, he was in S'Pore for quite a while. Prior to that was Sydney and after that was back to Manila(Now he is back in Aussie doin Miss Saigon as Thuy, Kim's husband from an arranged marriage).
What makes him hot: He is sooo sweet. I almost had chances to go watch him perform. Eg. Esplanade performances, or maybe even work with him.Coz he needs accompanist from time to time. AND he is doin Miss Saigon in Aussie...and I MIGHT be goin there nxt yr...sobz..wasted opportunity
I think that's what i wanna say bout him..Before I Go nah
I managed to youtube this song yesterday. Its very Filipino, and it's a very different side of him. Coz when i listen to him singing English, he will tend to have this bright high clear crisp voice. IN this song Tulad Ng Dati, his voice is sweet but not too overpowering.Coz u wudnt want a bright theatre singer showing all his poweress in a Filipino pop song Haha. But it's not my favourite, although I love the tune...so soothing
Hm i like this song, Home(conincidentally he sounds almost like Michael buble, another fav
ShE my SURNAME..he performed solely for him HAha...just kidding.This is nice too
yup another one coming soon. Oh he's handsome. What a good thing to go with that marvellous voice
He's the on on the left ok..Taken in 2002. I even have a Hotter picture for him.Erhem, but not for public show yah..DUn think sideways..it's a decent one but not decent Haha
nxt is hugh
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Wednesday Update
Haha i finally have some attention on my blog. I realised ppl do read my blog. But maybe some din leave comments la. (Yam pau came too. I'm glad)
So the weird thing that happened today was, YamPau and big Tree acted weird..Yup weird. Coz they felt uncomfortable playing tennis with Kim(my not so close friend-senior). So i was practically in a dilemma. And in the end the game was the best we've ever played since the first day(when we din even noe how to serve that time). So Wasn't that bad after all rite.
Then hor somore want me to treat them ice-cream when we played so well today. Wanna grow fat and lose it nxt wk again ah, then how to lose the cutlet we ate today wor lol?
And the best thing of all my back din hurt as it did last wk..Double yippee, still praying for it to heal though(haiz)
NOw, I'm being frank here. Although i wrote so much about how i detest this internship with crappy work. I realised havin intern friends has made my life so much fun-NER..yes i have 3 more friends. BUt what makes me so special is, after two months, we act like we know each other for quite long.(BUt ah sometimes i donno what to talk to yampau HAha kidding only la)
It just makes my internship even more meaningful. We had the GooD..and Bad Times (Yalah the day they made me cry, Yep Go On and call me a crybaby la)...Nevertheless..i will always cherish this friendship(mothership,pauship,sistership or whatevership la) we've had forever
Haha c this is a dedication post lei. Anywayz I still havent finish my research on Harry Potter Soundtracks. Can't wait for the fifth movie soundtrack to release on the 10th
Oh , I got into the BBA Honours Programme upon my mother's request. Also, I did that for the sake of goin on exchange given that i rejected it last sem. So my last chance lo. Like i have a choice liddat!!!So two more boring years(minus half yr of fun at some angmoh country la)
Wish me luck and nitez
PS:Nah Yampau, dun say i dun write about u...Maybe I should open up the Story of the Pau blog la..Coming realll soon!
So the weird thing that happened today was, YamPau and big Tree acted weird..Yup weird. Coz they felt uncomfortable playing tennis with Kim(my not so close friend-senior). So i was practically in a dilemma. And in the end the game was the best we've ever played since the first day(when we din even noe how to serve that time). So Wasn't that bad after all rite.
Then hor somore want me to treat them ice-cream when we played so well today. Wanna grow fat and lose it nxt wk again ah, then how to lose the cutlet we ate today wor lol?
And the best thing of all my back din hurt as it did last wk..Double yippee, still praying for it to heal though(haiz)
NOw, I'm being frank here. Although i wrote so much about how i detest this internship with crappy work. I realised havin intern friends has made my life so much fun-NER..yes i have 3 more friends. BUt what makes me so special is, after two months, we act like we know each other for quite long.(BUt ah sometimes i donno what to talk to yampau HAha kidding only la)
It just makes my internship even more meaningful. We had the GooD..and Bad Times (Yalah the day they made me cry, Yep Go On and call me a crybaby la)...Nevertheless..i will always cherish this friendship(mothership,pauship,sistership or whatevership la) we've had forever
Haha c this is a dedication post lei. Anywayz I still havent finish my research on Harry Potter Soundtracks. Can't wait for the fifth movie soundtrack to release on the 10th
Oh , I got into the BBA Honours Programme upon my mother's request. Also, I did that for the sake of goin on exchange given that i rejected it last sem. So my last chance lo. Like i have a choice liddat!!!So two more boring years(minus half yr of fun at some angmoh country la)
Wish me luck and nitez
PS:Nah Yampau, dun say i dun write about u...Maybe I should open up the Story of the Pau blog la..Coming realll soon!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Harry Potter Fever
Ah...i Hope Ah Sze temans me to watch Harry potter..i'm crazy over it now..So scroll down to listen to the music.
*Runs along searching for harry potter soundtrack*
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix Movie
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
current favourite sountrack:Another Story(Recurring Hedwig's Theme) dark and yummy...Slurp!
*Runs along searching for harry potter soundtrack*
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix Movie
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
current favourite sountrack:Another Story(Recurring Hedwig's Theme) dark and yummy...Slurp!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Monday Blues
Yep as promised..
I woke up this morning, contemplating on whether should I go to work, since i feel abit drowsy headachy bludy..whatever!!! I decided to forgo my$31.8 per day work, sms my frens and told them to pass the msg to my supervisor. Then sleptsleptslept till about 11am only dragged my ass out of bed. So my phone had sms-es (so sweet of you two, u know who u are), Mei Hui Jie told me my supervisors havent come. One actually came late coz she just arrived from Tuas, then the other holiday guah. (Crosses finger that HR wont Know i din come, so i got yummy pay still:P:P)
Well I finally solved my SEP thingy. My rankings are as follow
1)University of Melbourne
2) University of Otago
3)University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
4) WHU Koblenz Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
5)University of Manchester Business School
Of course, I would diedie HOPe i get into Melbourne, coz I have Not so close friends there..at least easier to have a social life...Though cost of living is like DAMMMMN ex...of course i also wish i was in Otago, but the plane ticket costs me a BOMB...and yadah yadah yadah
North Carolina is so freaking far.....butttt...i can go to New York(provided i do SAVE up enough), Go LOOk at Statue of LIberty, Trump Tower, BROADWAY...(Haiz, wish Hugh Panaro was performing somewhere), Pensylvannia(HUgh's hometown)...blabalbal...again ...NC is also EXPENSIVE...not to mention the plane tickets la
Germany...I think cost wouldnt be MUCH of a problem..but HECk German..i mean i did German 1 before..but still i dowanna talk and speak in German..GUten Tag...Ich Liebe Hugh Panaro...yea riiiiiite...and European Education might not suit me...Manchester...good place...BUT looking at the exchange rate..i had to put it as my last choice..the Pound just keeps appreciating against SGD..WTF...and the modules there suck
So why I wanna go on exchange? CAN SU la duh, Fun, Travel, Social, More FUn
So Why i Detest exchange?The process is a pain in the ass, have to save up since I'm going to angmoh countries...MAPPING MODULES is a pain toooo...ERRR..the conclusion is, if i Got a personal assistant and tonnes of $$$..i wouldnt have a bad headache regarding SEP and SKipped work today...URGH
Ok whatever...I just hope that God will show me which number is the one for me...:D
When the time comes, I will be ready to commit and so forth
Speaking about work. I'm so freaking happy that i only have ONe Month, before the dumb internship ends. Means money..and :(:( SCHOOL!!!Dang, three months FLIES eh?
Why do i detest work now?Work is boring(so enjoy school life now)
As a Logistics intern, You can't hire them for long. Coz they only need you to do those stuff that is needed urgently. Ok at some point, I do things wayyyy too fast. So it probably accounts for me being efficient:), so that u give me anything, I finish for you before u blink.
So what happens after two months of work there, You HAVE NOTHING TO DO...SIghz...I wus just waiting for work...And then boring work..until my eye balls wanna pop up liao
Then after that got work..but ITS SHIT WORK..i cant believe I'm ask to go IT work..like testing the SAP system??WTF is that?Then testing some other crap. Then i heard the other day that I'm supposed to do what the Company's help desk is doin now. So i guess, being free is NOT a good thing at all har..if I'm free i will be given shit work..and u know that..I even once sorted recycle paper..coz i realli got nothing to do???BLABLABLA
Of course I cant wait for the stinking month to end.
Hopefully at the end of the year. I will have more lobangs..Probably a short stint as a Finance Intern would be good. Good pay is a must..I nid more $$ for SEP
Hope the Christmas thingy is still on..
HOng BAo frm CNY..heeee
Yep that's about it
I had a bomb back Home..went to celebrate the cousin's bday.Which means KFC Pizza, noodles yummy but i din have much ler...Yummy Cake..too sweet
Ok i guess that's it...More Update if i feel like it
PS:PLS DUn EAt US's Kitkat. Hershey's produce Kitkat there..and i Tell U ..Nestle's still the best
If You Don't believe, get a US kitkat and Msia KitKat..Eat the msia first, then u will puke when u eat the US...But i guess it might be individuals taste. msia has wafer inside. US is just two gooey gross chocolate..EWWW
I woke up this morning, contemplating on whether should I go to work, since i feel abit drowsy headachy bludy..whatever!!! I decided to forgo my$31.8 per day work, sms my frens and told them to pass the msg to my supervisor. Then sleptsleptslept till about 11am only dragged my ass out of bed. So my phone had sms-es (so sweet of you two, u know who u are), Mei Hui Jie told me my supervisors havent come. One actually came late coz she just arrived from Tuas, then the other holiday guah. (Crosses finger that HR wont Know i din come, so i got yummy pay still:P:P)
Well I finally solved my SEP thingy. My rankings are as follow
1)University of Melbourne
2) University of Otago
3)University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
4) WHU Koblenz Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
5)University of Manchester Business School
Of course, I would diedie HOPe i get into Melbourne, coz I have Not so close friends there..at least easier to have a social life...Though cost of living is like DAMMMMN ex...of course i also wish i was in Otago, but the plane ticket costs me a BOMB...and yadah yadah yadah
North Carolina is so freaking far.....butttt...i can go to New York(provided i do SAVE up enough), Go LOOk at Statue of LIberty, Trump Tower, BROADWAY...(Haiz, wish Hugh Panaro was performing somewhere), Pensylvannia(HUgh's hometown)...blabalbal...again ...NC is also EXPENSIVE...not to mention the plane tickets la
Germany...I think cost wouldnt be MUCH of a problem..but HECk German..i mean i did German 1 before..but still i dowanna talk and speak in German..GUten Tag...Ich Liebe Hugh Panaro...yea riiiiiite...and European Education might not suit me...Manchester...good place...BUT looking at the exchange rate..i had to put it as my last choice..the Pound just keeps appreciating against SGD..WTF...and the modules there suck
So why I wanna go on exchange? CAN SU la duh, Fun, Travel, Social, More FUn
So Why i Detest exchange?The process is a pain in the ass, have to save up since I'm going to angmoh countries...MAPPING MODULES is a pain toooo...ERRR..the conclusion is, if i Got a personal assistant and tonnes of $$$..i wouldnt have a bad headache regarding SEP and SKipped work today...URGH
Ok whatever...I just hope that God will show me which number is the one for me...:D
When the time comes, I will be ready to commit and so forth
Speaking about work. I'm so freaking happy that i only have ONe Month, before the dumb internship ends. Means money..and :(:( SCHOOL!!!Dang, three months FLIES eh?
Why do i detest work now?Work is boring(so enjoy school life now)
As a Logistics intern, You can't hire them for long. Coz they only need you to do those stuff that is needed urgently. Ok at some point, I do things wayyyy too fast. So it probably accounts for me being efficient:), so that u give me anything, I finish for you before u blink.
So what happens after two months of work there, You HAVE NOTHING TO DO...SIghz...I wus just waiting for work...And then boring work..until my eye balls wanna pop up liao
Then after that got work..but ITS SHIT WORK..i cant believe I'm ask to go IT work..like testing the SAP system??WTF is that?Then testing some other crap. Then i heard the other day that I'm supposed to do what the Company's help desk is doin now. So i guess, being free is NOT a good thing at all har..if I'm free i will be given shit work..and u know that..I even once sorted recycle paper..coz i realli got nothing to do???BLABLABLA
Of course I cant wait for the stinking month to end.
Hopefully at the end of the year. I will have more lobangs..Probably a short stint as a Finance Intern would be good. Good pay is a must..I nid more $$ for SEP
Hope the Christmas thingy is still on..
HOng BAo frm CNY..heeee
Yep that's about it
I had a bomb back Home..went to celebrate the cousin's bday.Which means KFC Pizza, noodles yummy but i din have much ler...Yummy Cake..too sweet
Ok i guess that's it...More Update if i feel like it
PS:PLS DUn EAt US's Kitkat. Hershey's produce Kitkat there..and i Tell U ..Nestle's still the best
If You Don't believe, get a US kitkat and Msia KitKat..Eat the msia first, then u will puke when u eat the US...But i guess it might be individuals taste. msia has wafer inside. US is just two gooey gross chocolate..EWWW
Short Update.Another to follow soon
Bus lag from KL. Reached hall at 11.30pm. I had a big headache all the way, so I slept for about three hours on the bus. Much has happened (INDEED...) since the last I blog. So many things to blog about, and so little time. Well results were out, (gosh i even forgot the exact date), hm 26th may. And the post bout Finance Sucks??, I think i can retract it back..Haha..the unxpected came up. But I sucked big time for Asia Pacific Business. Well, life's like that. U do darn well for one paper, and u sucked the other one. Lucky I din get %^$#$. Hm, well its excatly one month (25 days) till I say sayonara ass hole internship. More on that later...Long Story...Haha..And more on my SEP...(someone even asked me to go to Hell Uni for exchange lo, WTF)...and YES, I olredi update my blog on someone's request.
More on SEP, Work, and leisure later. Got to do more SEP research...tata
More on SEP, Work, and leisure later. Got to do more SEP research...tata
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