Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Recess Week is approaching

Ok another blog post just to keep it updated.

Well I just cleared two tests yesterday and today. I guess its do-able, but oh wells i have tried my best lol
Oh i just hope that our group made a right choice in choosing Delinquency for Decision Modles in Banking. Dont want to screw that 40 percent!

Yup and while I'm typing, just hope to finish clearing my notes for Decision Analysis and move on to Psych: Memory

Then I will have like readings, Psych textbook
Two assignments and one test to prepare, and one ppt.

Heh, my blog is my homework checklist eh...

Till then...Am going Penang this wkend..here comes the beach and FOOD!and JOGOYA slurpslurp :D

PS: My english has improved eh. Not bad for an old woman. Eh still got two full stops..$(%*^&)%)(_!)@(

Thought of the day-Deal or no Deal

Hehe. It was so funny that I just had to blog it.
My lecturer on Managerial Decision Analysis mentioned about Deal or no Deal on Monday's lecture. So i decided to google it
I clicked on this link to play the deal or no deal game online.
I chose bag no.16 and started playing
My offers were like this:26000,69000,200 plus k, then finally i gave up at 100 plus k
And when they revealed my bag, it contained 1mil BUCKS!Oops not like that it's real, but I wonder do they do that in everyone's bag or its just plainly random. I think it should be random, if not people wont play that game again huh.

What's interesting is, since people play this game for free, meaning no entry fee, they tend to be risk seeking even when their offer goes really low, since they have nothing to lose. The same went for me. I didn't even want to take the 200k offer although its alot, only to admit defeat the next round.
Hehe greedy me, or not i wud have been a "millionaire"..Indeed!

oh another point is, I realize that this is either based on the US or UK version, and man the banker is generous. IN class, one of my peers said that the banker's first offer is at least ard 20k, which is wayyyyyy alot than in Malaysia.
Malaysia's version ah, starting offer only like few hundred or maybe 1k plus.
I guess, action speaks louder than words.

Nuff said